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Which option is better Down payment or Construction link plan for home loan?
If possible, go for a fully-constructed flat or near to completion flat. It will cost more to your pocket, but you can be assured that WHAT-YOU-SEE-IS-WHAT-YOU-GET. Now a days, most builders alter the building plan along the way of their construction without informing the buyers, and chasing the builders is not a easy job given the monetary and political might they have. Most of the builders ( even big one's) are cuming up with pre-excavation plans and their date of project completion is mostly 24 months . In the time of recession, blocking the hard-earned money with them for 24 months carries a huge risk. I believe tht the cost of the flats will come down in the coming months and you can stuck a better deal with the builders ( BIG no no to Middle-men) if u can hold on for some time. Reality bubble has burst and the effects are started to trickle down. Having a hard bargaining attitude will surely help.