Looking for Money back policy. Please suggest from LIC or ICICI policies.
Thanks in advance
Looking for Money back policy. Please suggest from LIC or ICICI policies.
Thanks in advance
The road to success??.. Is always under construction.
LIC Money Back plans -
- The Money Back Policy-20 Years
- The Money Back Policy-25 Years
- Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years
- Jeevan Surabhi-20 Years
- Jeevan Surabhi-25 Years
- Bima Bachat
For Female Life's -Jeevan Bharati - I
More Info - http://www.licindia.com/individual_plans.htm
'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
Policy_Expert - Thanks for the info. But I am looking for the best policy option among the above two companies.
The road to success??.. Is always under construction.
Please tell the age of the proposer, investment time line etc.
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Ohh.. I have missed this info. . I am looking for 35 Year old for investment for next 20 years. Annual premium upto Rs. 20000/- is OK.
The road to success??.. Is always under construction.
Go for MoneyBack with Profits.
Some Info -
- Minimum amount of Sum Insured - Rs. 40,000
- Minimum premium must be Rs. 800 per annum
- Minimum age at entry-13 years
- Maximum age at entry : 50 years (20 Years Policy)
- Bonus additions to the policy are calculated for full sum assured. They are payable only along with final maturity benefit on date of maturity or on death, whichever is earlier
- Loans will be granted under these policies
'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'