View Full Version : How much does ACII cost?

07-05-2009, 04:59 PM
Hi guys,

Im planning to do CII Certificate cources. I have already completed my associate from III, Mumbai. Please somebody also tell me about the cost associated with the CII cources.
How much do they charge per paper or in watever manner?

Please help me out.

31-05-2009, 12:02 PM
I have some old info on CII charges -

Course Books (per subject including examination fee) - 70 GBP
Postage and Packing of textbooks per subject - 14 GBP
Annual Membership fees (designation fees) - 30 GBP

The above is only as per the tie-up between III and CII UK.

So if you are taking 3 subjects in one go then (70+14)*3 + 30 = 282 GBP

1 GBP = Rs 76 (approx) for correct rate please check with your bank.

02-06-2009, 08:00 AM
Per subject it costs 91 Pounds for the members and non members upt 120 pounds . The Books per subject around 80 pounds.

05-06-2009, 08:06 PM
Checkout Scheme of arrangement between the III, Mumbai and the Chartered Insurance Institute, London on the III site.It has given all the details along with fee.

Here is link -