Bharti AXA Life Insurance today launched Aajeevan Anand plan that provides guaranteed regular of 25% of Sum Assured every 5 years, starting from the end of 10th year and life cover until the age of 100 years.
What is whole life insurance?
A whole life insurance policy covers you for your entire life, not just for a specific period such as term insurance.
Advantages of Aajeevan Anand Plan –
1. Lifelong Protection with Limited Pay Period
Premium paying term can be selected as 10 years or 15 years at inception of the policy and your coverage under the policy will continue till you attain the age of 100 years.
2. Guaranteed Anticipated Benefit
This plan gives a steady stream of income till insured reach the age of 100 years. This Guaranteed Anticipated Benefit is paid to you every 5 years, star ting from the end of the 10th policy year.
3. High Sum Assured Discounts
Insured will be eligible to receive a discount on your premium rate if you opt for Sum Assured of ` 1,00,000 and above.
4. Tax Benefits
The plan gives tax benefits under section 80C and 10(10D).